Adam Dziurok, Jerzy Myszor, Primate Stefan Wyszyński and Upper Silesia – contacts, visits , speeches, Institute of National Remembrance, Foundation Center for Church History Research Fr. prof. Wincentego Myszor, Katowice-Warsaw 2020, 248 pp., ISBN: 978-83-8098-917-7 (IPN)
Contacts between Primate Stefan Wyszyński and Upper Silesia were not very intense, but they had their own characteristic features. In this publication, the authors focused on presenting the relations between the Katowice diocese and Archbishop Stefan Wyszyński during his primacy in the years 1949-1981. They cover a number of different areas, which include: visits of the primate to the diocese (mainly in Piekary Śląskie) and sermons delivered at that time, personal or letter contacts between the primate and Silesian bishops, priests of the diocese and inhabitants of Upper Silesia, all references to in the statements, notes or writings of the primate, as well as preserved accounts and comments on the attitude of the clergy and the faithful of the diocese to him (e.g. after the arrest or death of the primate). These issues are discussed in the first part of the publication, followed by an extensive annex with documents. It contains all the letters and speeches addressed to the „faithful people of the Silesian land”, as well as more important correspondence, the addressees of which were the bishops of Katowice. On the other hand, the annex also